A good place for a defibrillator?
email to Post Office: Horton Parish Council is considering using the existing phone box (image attached) on Coppermill Road, Wraysbury (actually Horton) to house a defibrillator. I am preparing a report for the Parish Council for us to fully refurbish the box (including a new door) prior to installing the defib. Can you confirm the adoption ’ process please? I believe that the box stands on RBWM Highways land.
email from Post Office: Thank you for your email and interest in adopting a kiosk. I am afraid that this kiosk is not available for adoption. Recent changes to Ofcom regulations around which public telephones we can remove mean there must be sufficient mobile coverage at the location in question. Unfortunately, it falls short in this instance.
Maybe then the post office (British telecom?) could replace the door and the broken glass so it’s a usable phone?
Is there any possibility of it being a combined DeFib & phone – has this ever been done before?
If BT refurbished the phone and HPC added a DeFib everybody would win!!!