This is my response to a Parliamentary Committee consultation dated October 2010.
Future Flood and Water Management Legislation
Memorandum submitted by Ewan Larcombe (FFW 05)
Summary – This submission seeks to consider some unresolved flooding and flood management legislation, policy and practice issues. In particular the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 suffer shortcomings due to time pressures caused by potential EC infraction and Parliamentary wash-up procedures. The main themes are ‘the duty to maintain watercourses for flood water conveyance purposes’, the reduction in the probability of flooding, ‘the active involvement of interested parties’ in the flood defence process, and the variation from ‘investment in flood defence’ to ‘cost of consequences’.
Memorandum submitted by Ewan Larcombe (FFW 05)
The complete Memorandum can be found in the library here